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Our Purpose

Jesus death and resurrection is a central tenant to the Christian faith, however it is not the end of the story. In fact the whole point of the crucifixion was to reconcile us with God - to re-establish our capacity to walk and talk with Him all the time. This, is the central tenant.  But sometimes, in our busyness, we lose sight of that. 

The Gospels indicate that Jesus often took time to seek the company of God alone.  It was this, rather than established religious routines or events or friends, that sustained him during his interaction with a broken world.  And it sets a precedent for us.

Walking together with God on a journey of self discovery, taking the time to just be, to be listening, to be reflective and to be responsive, allows us over time, to become more and more, the people He made us to be. This is what we were made for.

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